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Unleash Your Light: Illuminate! - New Year Cord Removal Ceremony

Unleash Your Light: Illuminate!
New Year Cord Removal Ceremony
Hosted by Nitya Vink
$5 off for members with code CHORD

As the New Year dawns and the New Wolf Moon in Capricorn graces the sky, join us on a transformative journey to release the past and welcome a brighter future. Immerse yourself in a serene and sacred space where you can let go of the unseen energetic attachments which are not serving you. 

Cords are energetic connections we all possess; some of them are of a positive nature and are full of power and love, while others are of a lesser vibration and keep us attached to people, places and situations which hold us down. 

During this ceremony you will experience a guided meditation, designed to help you delve into the depths of your being and identify emotional ties that no longer serve you. You may even now know of areas in your body which feel stuck or tied to someone or something; these are areas we will release to create space and freedom for heart, mind, body and soul. Through a powerful Reiki cord-removal ceremony we will release energetic ties, attachments, and outdated patterns, paving the way for the real you to walk into your strength and happiness. 

On this evening we will harness the energy of the New Year and New Moon to set powerful intentions for the months ahead, and create a vision for our lives that align with our truest self. We will close the evening with Kundalini Breathwork and Kriya to cleanse and balance your aura, leaving you feeling lighter, rejuvenated and ready to embrace new opportunities.

To Prepare: come to the ceremony with your intention of what you are letting go of/clearing. i.e. relationship, aspect of yourself you want to change, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, fear of lack of abundance, money blockage, negative belief system, etc. Can you pin point in your body where this energy resides? What step(s) can you take after the ceremony to assist you in ending this pattern? Choose 3 steps you are committed to take to end the cycle and bring you into a more peaceful existence. Feel free to bring a notebook, pen, crystal, candle, sacred object to anchor the energy for the future or any protection amulet you like. 

No drugs or alcohol 48 hours before or after the ceremony.

Not taking reservations
Instructor image
Instructor Nitya Vink
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