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Myofascial release #1: Lower Body

Myofascial release workshop: Lower Body
Hosted by Daniel
January 6th

$40 - $5 off for members with code FASCIA
$70 for both upper & lower body workshops - $10 off for members with code FASCIA2

Take self-care to a whole new level. Learn some invaluable techniques to help maintain freedom and space in the body. Using common tools such as tennis balls and yoga blocks, ZenThai Shiatsu Massage Therapist and Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Daniel Cabezas will guide you through techniques for self-massage and trigger point release. Great for maintenance between massage sessions and recovery from life's aches and pains.

This workshop would be suitable for beginners (i.e. no previous experience necessary). However, would probably not be recommended for anyone with acute injury.
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Instructor image
Instructor Daniel
Class Date/Time {{classTime}}