Not taking reservations

New Moon Red Tent

New Moon Red Tent - Sliding scale $10-45 (suggested)
Hosted by Zahava
1/13 6-8pm

You are warmly invited to this month’s New Moon Red Tent.

Red Tents are intentional, co-created spaces where women gather to
authentically be and connect in comfort. It is a time where you can feel nourished
and nurtured, rest and feel supported by one another.

Come as you are. We will gather to listen and be heard, sharing what is coming up
for you in this cycle. There will be time for speaking, listening, and writing. This
New Moon is in Capricorn and our cycle focus will be: Dreams into Reality.

Please bring a notebook and pen. Tea will be provided.

Zahava is a Red School Menstrual Mentor, Celebration Day for Girls Facilitator,
and Natural Fertility Coach from New York with an MA in Education. Besides her
focus in Menstrual Cycle Awareness and Reproductive Health, she has
accumulated over 10 years of personal study and experiences across different
countries on varying healing modalities, nervous system regulation, meditation
(Vipassana), intimacy, shamanic sexuality, tantra, yoga, Pranayama, breathwork,
nutrition, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine.
Not taking reservations
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Instructor Zahava
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