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Qi Gong 5 Element Series: Water

Qi Gong 5 Element Series: Water
Hosted by Darran
January 20th 2-4pm
$5 off for members with code QI

5 Element Theory differentiates the dynamics of life into five fundamental powers (or elements): Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.
Water represents a period of deepest Yin (inward movement). It is associated with winter, midnight, emptiness, germination and origin. From the body’s perspective, Water is associated with the kidney organ network- that aspect of the body which stores our essence.  
This workshop will cover basic theory of Ying/Yang and the 5 Elements followed by a Qi Gong practice to balance the 5 elements within the mind, body and spirit. 
Whether you are an experienced energy healer or just curious about the framework of the 5 Elements, please join us for a fun, warm and invigorating experience.
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Instructor image
Instructor Darran Boyer
Class Date/Time {{classTime}}