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Qi Gong 5 Element Series: Entering Wood Season

Qi Gong 5 Element Series: Entering Wood Season
Hosted by Darran
February 25th 3-5:30pm
$5 off for members with code QI

5 Element Theory differentiates the dynamics of life into five fundamental powers (or elements): Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. As a season, Wood represents the time of year when we move out of Winter (Yin) and towards Summer (Yang). Wood is associated with spring, dawn, growth, and outward force. From the body’s perspective, we comprise the 5 elements and Wood is associated with the Liver organ network- that aspect of the body which regulates the blood.  
This workshop will cover basic theory of Yin/Yang and the 5 Elements followed by a Qi Gong practice to balance the 5 elements within the mind, body and spirit. Finally, it will provide some basic self care tips for transitioning into springtime.
Whether you are an experienced energy healer or just curious about the 5 Elements, please join us for a fun and harmonizing workshop.
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Instructor image
Instructor Darran Boyer
Class Date/Time {{classTime}}